Every so often I get a request to consider repairing costume jewelry, vintage or modern. It seems most jewelers won’t take on these projects – too much liability if something happens. Costume jewelry, as lovely and fun as it is, can be hard to repair because it cannot accept heat and sometimes the metal is brittle. Glass “stones” can also be hard to match, especially if they are colored.
Both pairs of earrings she wanted fixed are vintage. Since I had vintage faux pearls in my collection of bits and pieces, the repairs were straightforward and fairly simple.
Repair of costume dangled earrings repair
She could have worn the drop earrings as-is, but they were missing six small pearls, three located at the top of each earring. I was able to cement the pearls while the lovely milgrain edges remain visible. I also tightened all the links on the pearl drops and gave a swish through the cleaner just to remove some of the surface debris.
Wishbone earrings repair
The wishbone earrings needed one pearl. I matched the pearl in both size and color, which was interesting as it is a faux pearl which age differently than cultured pearls. The metal in the earrings was discolored, so again a swish through the cleaner helped but did not completely remedy the discoloration.
I am rather pleased with the end result of both pairs, as is the customer.
- Location: Long Island, NY